About Us
Our Mission
The Story so Far - Our 5 year impact Report (2024)
Our 8 Aims
SGC Research
SGC Research Grants
UK Salivary Gland Cancer Research Working Group (UKSGCWG)
SGC Travel Grants
Board of Directors
Our Partners
Salivary Gland Cancer UK Mascots
Treatment Options
Drug Therapies
Drug Therapies - Immunotherapy
Clinical Trials
Radiofrequency ablation (RFA)
Gene profiling or tumour profiling or genomic testing
Patient follow up after treatment for SGC
Our Stories
Alex's story
Alison's story
Alison C's story
Allison D's story
Barry's story
Christine's story
Dawn's story
Heather's story
Ian's story
Jade's story
Jamie's story
Jev's story
Jim's story
Kamla's story
Karen's story
Matilda's story
Ruth's story
Sarah's story
Shane's story
Wendy's story
Patient and Carer Support
Anxiety Management Techniques
Exercise for the head, neck and shoulder area
Returning to Work
Tips on communicating with an electrolarynx
How can I best support my mother?
Kemi shares her advice for supporting a loved one with cancer
Radiotherapy Treatment and Late Effects
The Late Effects of Radiotherapy Treatment with Emma Hallam, Consultant Therapeutic Radiographer
What is Radiation Induced Fibrosis? And How To Reduce Its Effects
Tips for Salivary Gland Cancer Patients Living with Radiotherapy Late Effects
Top tips for radiotherapy treatment from our network member Dawn
Dawn's tips for someone close to someone with Salivary Gland Cancer
Quality of Life (QoL) in Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma (ACC) Patients with Dr Joe Haigh
Mindfulness Practice with Emma Hallam, Consultant Therapeutic Radiographer
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Our 2025 Events (gatherings and webinars)
Donate and help our work
Patient – Researcher Trial Discussions
Podcasts and Videos
Volunteering with SGC UK at a conference or event
Salivary Gland Cancer Day - 4th October
SGC UK Shareable Resources
Leaflets and Flyers
Salivary Gland Cancers
A guide to different types of Salivary Gland Cancers
Acinic Cell Carcinoma (AcCC)
Adenocarcinoma, NOS
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma (ACC)
Basal Cell Adenocarcinoma (BCAC)
Clear Cell Carcinoma (CCC)
Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma (MEC) & Warthin-like MEC
Salivary Duct Carcinoma (SDC)
Secretory Carcinoma (SC)
Body sites affected by SGC
Major Salivary Glands - Parotid, Sublingual and Submandibular
Secretory Glands - The Lacrimal Gland
Secretory Glands - Bartholin's Gland
Secretory Glands - The Lining of the Trachea
Nerves in the Head and Neck - Trigeminal Nerve
Nerves in the Head and Neck - Optic Nerve
Bone Structures in the Face
The Spine
Fundraising for SGC UK
Some fundraising ideas
Paying in the funds you've raised
Fundraising at work
Leaving a gift in your will
Salivary Gland Cancer Science - Research Updates
New study reveals late recurrence and low survival rate of adenoid cystic carcinoma of the breast
New study using real-world UK data supports the use of HER2-directed therapies for HER2-positive salivary gland cancers
UK Salivary Gland Cancer Research Working Group (UKSGCRWG)
Research Working Group Members
RQ 1. Address the utility of Guidelines for Salivary Gland Cancers (SGC)
RQ 2. Assess the variation in histopathology reporting for Salivary Gland Cancers (SGC)
RQ 3. Standardise the decision-making processes for patients who have technically operable, Salivary Gland Cancer (SGC), where the surgery carries high morbidity
RQ 4. Improve the diagnostic pathway for Salivary Gland Cancer (SGC) patients
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Alison C's story
Our Stories
Alison C's story
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In this short video Alison shares her story with us